# A tibble: 6 × 32
hotel is_ca…¹ lead_…² arriv…³ arriv…⁴ arriv…⁵ arriv…⁶ stays…⁷ stays…⁸ adults
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 City H… 0 21 2017 August 35 30 2 5 2
2 City H… 0 23 2017 August 35 30 2 5 2
3 City H… 0 102 2017 August 35 31 2 5 3
4 City H… 0 34 2017 August 35 31 2 5 2
5 City H… 0 109 2017 August 35 31 2 5 2
6 City H… 0 205 2017 August 35 29 2 7 2
# … with 22 more variables: children <dbl>, babies <dbl>, meal <chr>,
# country <chr>, market_segment <chr>, distribution_channel <chr>,
# is_repeated_guest <dbl>, previous_cancellations <dbl>,
# previous_bookings_not_canceled <dbl>, reserved_room_type <chr>,
# assigned_room_type <chr>, booking_changes <dbl>, deposit_type <chr>,
# agent <chr>, company <chr>, days_in_waiting_list <dbl>,
# customer_type <chr>, adr <dbl>, required_car_parking_spaces <dbl>, …
Describe the data
#Find out the dimensions of the tibbledim(hotel_bookings)
[1] 119390 32
Unique Hotels
#Find out which hotels are listed in the hotel columnunique(hotel_bookings$hotel)
[1] "Resort Hotel" "City Hotel"
The cases in this dataset are just under 120,000 individual bookings at two hotels (Resort Hotel and City Hotel) over the time period July 2015 through August 2017. There are 32 variables in this dataset, including:
- meal packages,
- how far in advance the booking was created (lead time),
- average daily rate,
- whether a booking was canceled or not,
- type of room reserved/assigned, and
- how many adults, children, and babies are associated with each booking.
Because each variable ought to have a column, we can look at all the variables in this dataset by using the colnames() function.
The “is_canceled” and “reservation_status” columns clue us in to the fact that the cases are bookings made but not necessarily actual stays at the hotels, as some customers canceled or no-showed. This indicates that the data was most likely gathered from the booking systems of the hotels themselves.
# Show unique values under is_canceled columnunique(hotel_bookings$is_canceled)
[1] 0 1
# Show unique values under reservation_status columnunique(hotel_bookings$reservation_status)
[1] "Check-Out" "Canceled" "No-Show"
Grouped Summary Statistics
Because this dataset has so many variables, there are many potential ways to group data. We could group our data by hotel, by bookings that turned into actual hotel stays (where reservation_status is ‘Check-Out’), by bookings that include children or babies (where the children or babies column is not ‘0’), by group bookings (where market_segment is ‘groups’), by bookings with a full deposit (where deposit_type is ‘Non Refund’), by bookings for which the reserved and assign room types differ (where reserved_room_type is not the same as the value in assigned_room_type), by bookings with different types of meal packages, etc.
When are the hotels in demand?
Let’s look at average lead time (number of days between booking and anticipated arrival date) to get clues into when during the year each hotel is more likely to be booked far in advanced. Let’s also filter out bookings that were cancelled.
# A tibble: 24 × 3
arrival_date_month hotel lead_time
<chr> <chr> <dbl>
1 September Resort Hotel 146.
2 July City Hotel 133.
3 June Resort Hotel 126.
4 May Resort Hotel 107.
5 June City Hotel 103.
6 October Resort Hotel 103.
7 August City Hotel 101.
8 July Resort Hotel 96.2
9 August Resort Hotel 92.8
10 May City Hotel 90.0
# … with 14 more rows
Reservations for September at Resort Hotel have the highest average lead time, with July reservations at City Hotel following behind. The lowest average lead times for City Hotel are in January, February, and Dcember. The lowest average lead times for Resort Hotel are in November, February, and January.
Central Tendency and Dispersion
Despite the 32 different variables in this dataset, only 13 columns can be directly used to get means, medians, and modes. Other columns may appear to be numeric but answer Yes/No questions with 0 or 1, or list numbers referring to dates (such as week of the year or day of the month), which would not benefit from being averaged.
Hotel Stays
I will filter for bookings that actually turned into hotel stays (where the reservation status is “Check-Out” as opposed to “No show” or “Canceled”).
#Create a vector containing the indices of the columns for summary statisticsstat_cols <-c(3, 8:12, 18, 19, 22, 26, 28:30)#Load summarytools package to us descr()library(summarytools)hotel_stays <- hotel_bookings %>%filter(reservation_status =="Check-Out")descr(hotel_stays[stat_cols])
I notice the mean & median values for ADR is different in the summary stats for hotel stays vs. cancelled bookings. The max ADR value in cancelled bookings is 5400 - possibly a reason that reservation was cancelled.
I also notice that the required car parking spaces variable seems to only have values of zero for the canceled bookings subset. This suggests that information about parking spaces is not collected until the check-in process when customers physically arrive to the hotels.
Source Code
---title: "Challenge 2"author: "Teresa Lardo"description: "Grouping a dataset on hotel bookings and providing summary statistics"date: "02/22/2023"format: html: toc: true code-fold: true code-copy: true code-tools: truecategories: - challenge_2 - Teresa Lardo - hotel_bookingseditor: markdown: wrap: 72---## Read in the DataFor this challenge, I'll read in the csv file on hotel bookings.```{r}library(tidyverse)knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo =TRUE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)library(readr)hotel_bookings <-read_csv("_data/hotel_bookings.csv", show_col_types =FALSE)```#### First 6 Rows```{r}head(hotel_bookings)```#### Last 6 Rows```{r}tail(hotel_bookings)```## Describe the data#### Dimensions```{r}#Find out the dimensions of the tibbledim(hotel_bookings)```#### Unique Hotels```{r}#Find out which hotels are listed in the hotel columnunique(hotel_bookings$hotel)```The cases in this dataset are just under 120,000 individual bookings at two hotels(Resort Hotel and City Hotel) over the time period July 2015 throughAugust 2017. There are 32 variables in this dataset, including:\- meal packages,\- how far in advance the booking was created (lead time),\- average daily rate,\- whether a booking was canceled or not,\- type of room reserved/assigned, and\- how many adults, children, and babies are associated with eachbooking.Because each variable ought to have a column, we can look at all thevariables in this dataset by using the `colnames()` function.```{r}colnames(hotel_bookings)```The "is_canceled" and "reservation_status" columns clue us in to thefact that the cases are bookings *made* but not necessarily actual *stays* at the hotels, as some customers canceled or no-showed. Thisindicates that the data was most likely gathered from the bookingsystems of the hotels themselves.```{r}# Show unique values under is_canceled columnunique(hotel_bookings$is_canceled)# Show unique values under reservation_status columnunique(hotel_bookings$reservation_status)```## Grouped Summary StatisticsBecause this dataset has so many variables, there are many potentialways to group data. We could group our data by hotel, by bookings thatturned into actual *hotel stays* (where reservation_status is 'Check-Out'), by bookings that include children orbabies (where the children or babies column is not '0'), by groupbookings (where market_segment is 'groups'), by bookings with a fulldeposit (where deposit_type is 'Non Refund'), by bookings for which thereserved and assign room types differ (where reserved_room_type is notthe same as the value in assigned_room_type), by bookings with differenttypes of meal packages, etc.### When are the hotels in demand?Let's look at average lead time (number of days between booking andanticipated arrival date) to get clues into when during the year eachhotel is more likely to be booked far in advanced. Let's also filter out bookings that were cancelled. ```{r}library(dplyr)hotel_bookings %>%filter(reservation_status =="Check-Out") %>%group_by(arrival_date_month, hotel) %>%select(lead_time) %>%summarize_all(mean) %>%ungroup() %>%arrange(desc(lead_time))```Reservations for September at Resort Hotel have the highest average leadtime, with July reservations at City Hotel following behind. The lowest average lead times for City Hotel are in January, February, and Dcember. The lowest average lead times for Resort Hotel are in November, February, and January.## Central Tendency and DispersionDespite the 32 different variables in this dataset, only 13 columns canbe directly used to get means, medians, and modes. Other columns mayappear to be numeric but answer Yes/No questions with 0 or 1, or listnumbers referring to dates (such as week of the year or day of themonth), which would not benefit from being averaged.### Hotel StaysI will filter for bookings that actually turned into hotel stays (wherethe reservation status is "Check-Out" as opposed to "No show" or"Canceled").```{r}#Create a vector containing the indices of the columns for summary statisticsstat_cols <-c(3, 8:12, 18, 19, 22, 26, 28:30)#Load summarytools package to us descr()library(summarytools)hotel_stays <- hotel_bookings %>%filter(reservation_status =="Check-Out")descr(hotel_stays[stat_cols])```### Cancelled BookingsTo contrast with the summary statistics of the bookings that turned intohotel stays, let's filter for only *cancelled* bookings at the twohotels.```{r}canceled_bookings <- hotel_bookings %>%filter(is_canceled ==1) descr(canceled_bookings[stat_cols])```I notice the mean & median values for **ADR** is different in the summary stats for hotel stays vs. cancelled bookings. The max ADR value in cancelled bookings is 5400 - possibly a reason that reservation was cancelled. I also notice that the required car parking spaces variable seems to only have values of zero for the canceled bookings subset. This suggests that information about parking spaces is not collected until the check-in process when customers physically arrive to the hotels.